This past Christmas (2020), Spencer asked for a Venus Flytrap. I (Nathan) searched the city for days to find one, to no avail.
2 Walmarts listed online that they had Venus Flytraps in stock, but when I got to the Walmarts, there were none to be found.
On the Walmart app, it listed Rocket Farms as the supplier of Walmart’s Venus Flytraps.
I called Rocket Farms, on Christmas Eve, and asked for advice on how I could buy a Venus Flytrap in Houston in the month of December. The employee who took my call simply asked for my address. She said that the easiest way to get a Venus Flytrap in Houston for Christmas was to just wait by the door. She OVERNIGHTED 3 tubes of Venus Flytraps to Spencer and didn’t charge me a dime!
Wow! Thank you, Rocket Farms.
This weekend, Spencer composed his “Thank You” letter to Rocket Farms.
Way to go, Spencer!